Grand Opening!

Well, we've been open for about 14 hours and the internet hasn't blown up, the earth hasn't left its orbit and bacon is still the most tastiest protein in the known universe.

Thanks so much for being part of this endeavor and I hope that you enjoy browsing (and possibly purchasing) some of my works that I've had time to make available.  With that being said, this is definitely a work in progress and will be updated regularly with new art, new insights and deals and discounts by the handful.

Some of you may know me from shows I've set up at, some may know me though social media and some may know me because I have a striking resemblance to Rob Reiner (maybe not so many on the latter).  But if you're new here, and my art is new to you, I hope that we get an opportunity to hang out while you're here and I hope that you find something that speaks to you and offers your wall a little razzle-dazzle.

I won't keep you any longer..."So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you." 

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